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My Family Financial Miracle

A New Way of Thinking to Protect and Control Your Money

The best decision maker regarding your money is YOU.

My Family Financial Miracle provides new insights and understanding so that you will know how to:

  • Protect your savings from financial risks
  • Optimize the returns on your money without losing principal
  • Finance purchases with your OWN money while still potentially earning interest on the entire amount of the loan
  • Build a nest egg tax deferred and access it income tax free
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E-Book Guide

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Key Topics and Chapters

For a quick read

  • Chapter 3 – Taxes and the Money Bubble (11 pages)
  • The Holy Grail of Benefits Pages 51-52 (2 pages)
  • Chapter 5 – The Magic of True Compounding (16 pages)
  • Chapter 6 – Making the IRS Work for You Pages 69-72 (4 pages)
  • Chapter 10 – Mastering the Possibilities – Testimonials (6 pages)

Video Guide

These videos called out in the book support the simple, time-tested and proven approach to successfully navigate this confusion and protect your savings from eight potential threats all of us will likely face during our lifetimes.

  1. Math Doesn’t Equal Money
    You want to know how you can be fooled into thinking you’re getting something that you’re not? Watch this video on AVERAGE rates of return vs. ACTUAL rates of return.
  2. ​$1 Trillion Dollars – What does that mean to you?
    We live in a country that provides a lot of benefits to those that live here. Those benefits cost money…How much money? A lot of money! How is our government going to pay for it? Watch this and see…
  3. ​Poor Sequence of Returns Risk
    Distributions from an equity account can be dangerous. If you take money out of a stock-market account when the market is down, it can be devastating. It’s called sequence of returns risk, and anyone with retirement savings needs to know how this works so you can guard against it with your own savings.
  4. Caps and Floors, Lock-in and Reset
    The title sounds like some kind of code… it’s not! It’s the provisions inside of one of the most powerful financial products ever created for the American Household.
  5. 10 Minute Lesson on Life Insurance
    People often say, “This can’t be life insurance?” Oh, but it is! And it’s not any ordinary life insurance policy… It’s an amazing product that does many things.
  6. Policy Loan Collateralization
    During our lives, most of us will need money for important purchases or emergencies. It is in your best interest to understand how to use your money, and never interrupt the compounding growth of your money even when you need to access it for important life events. This short presentation will show you how you can do just that.
  7.  In-Depth Explanation of IUL Protection and Never Running Out of Money
    This video brings it all together on how to pull a steady income stream from the Index Universal Life contract.
  8. The Cost of Insurance vs. the Alternative
    With any financial product used to grow money, there is a cost associated with that product.


* These videos are being provided as a service to you. Please note that the information and opinions included are provided by third parties and have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.